Vivo: Smartphone Made in Which Country?

Nicko Yusu

Vivo Communication Technology Co. Ltd., a prominent player in the smartphone industry, is headquartered in Dongguan, Guangdong, China. Let’s delve into the details of Vivo’s origin, growth, and manufacturing locations:

Company Overview

  • Founding: Vivo was established in 2009 by founders Shen Wei and Duan Yongping.
  • Global Reach: Over the years, Vivo has expanded its market presence, serving over 400 million users across 60 countries and regions.
  • Product Portfolio: The company designs and develops smartphones, along with related accessories, software, and online services.

Manufacturing Hubs

Vivo’s smartphones are primarily manufactured in China, specifically in the city of Dongguan. However, the company has diversified its production facilities to other countries as well:

  1. India: Vivo has a significant manufacturing presence in India, where it produces devices for both domestic and global markets.
  2. Bangladesh: Another manufacturing hub for Vivo smartphones.
  3. Indonesia: The company also operates a production facility in Indonesia.
  4. China (Chongqing): Apart from Dongguan, Vivo has a manufacturing unit in Chongqing, China.

Global Recognition

  • In 2021, Vivo secured a spot among the top 5 smartphone manufacturers, achieving a global market share of 8%.
  • The brand’s commitment to innovation and strategic partnerships, such as the collaboration with Zeiss for imaging technology, has contributed to its success.

In summary, Vivo’s roots lie in China, but its influence extends far beyond its home country. With a blend of cutting-edge technology and widespread availability, Vivo continues to make its mark in the dynamic world of smartphones..

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Nicko Yusu

Nicko Yusu adalah penulis dan penggemar teknologi yang menulis tentang berbagai perangkat dan teknologi terbaru, dan membantu pembaca memahami pengaruh teknologi pada hidup mereka melalui pandangan dan pengalaman pribadinya.

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